Forum Rules
This forum is about Truth. It provides a place where people can interact together and seek answers together. It is not about dogma and opinions. It was created so that a small group of people might discuss in a civilized manner the claims made in the book "Qur'anic Geography."
These forums are for: People who have read the book and are interested in further discussion and research. It will give you access to the author of the book and those who are currently continuing to research these topics. Discussion topics include: new evidence, for and against discussions, location of resources, as well as collaborative building of the Annotated Bibliography of Early Islamic Literature and Timeline of Islamic History, etc.
1. It is possible to browse the public areas of the forums. If you want to participate in discussion please register.
2. Please be prepared to use a pseudonym if you want. Please allow three or four days to be accepted.
3. All discussion areas are moderated, and your post may be deleted or moved. Posts will not be removed because of the opinions they contain, but they may be removed if the rules are broken.
1. Please respect everyone's opinions.
2. Please keep the discussion on-topic. If you want to change topics, then start a new discussion topic.
3. No flaming, no trolling. Lets be honest and respect one another.
4. No name calling
5. No foul language will be tolerated.
Anyone breaking the rules will be warned once and if they repeat, they will be barred from the forums.